2025 EACCR1 Early Tracheostomy Goals of Care Discussion 

Measure Title: Early Tracheostomy Goals of Care Discussion

Measure description:Patients with > 96 hours of intubation and mechanical ventilation expected to require prolonged mechanical ventilation and/or their POA or families should engage in conversations clarifying goals of care prior to the 5th day of mechanical ventilation, to avoid late decisions regarding tracheostomy or comfort care.

Denominator: All patients >= 18 years of age on date of discharge intubated receiving mechanical ventilation >= 96 hours

Denominator Exclusions: Patients who expire.

Denominator Exceptions: Extubation in next 72 hours expected; no POA or family and patient unable to participate.

Numerator: Patients/families who participated in a goals of care conversation that included discussions regarding prolonged mechanical ventilation, tracheostomy, and patient wishes / goals of care within one week (168 hours) of mechanical ventilation.

Numerator Exclusions: None


National Quality Forum (NQF) number, if applicable


Care setting(s) 

Hospital Inpatient

Telehealth, if applicable

Number of performance rates required for measures

Traditional vs. inverse measure

Proportional, continuous variable, and/or ratio measure indicator

Risk adjustment, if applicable

Submission pathway 
Traditional MIPS
