2025 EACCR3 ABC Portion of [ABCDEF ICU Liberation Bundle] – Pain, Sedation, and Breathing management 

Measure Title: ABC Portion of [ABCDEF ICU Liberation Bundle] – Pain, Sedation, and Breathing management

Measure description: Patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) for > or = 3 days that are intubated and have acute respiratory failure should be included in the ‘ABC’ of the ABCDEF bundle, including Assessment, Prevention and Management of Pain; Spontaneous Awakening/Breathing Trials, and Choice of Anesthesia and Sedation.

Denominator: All Patients >= 18 years of age on date of discharge receiving intubation and mechanical ventilation due to acute respiratory failure; AND ICU length of stay > or = 3 days.

Denominator Exclusions: Patients who expire.

Denominator Exceptions: Offered but patient/family declined; clinical contraindication, such as comfort measures or limited treatment, or mechanical circulatory support / extracorporeal membrane oxygenation *ECMO), or acute alcohol withdrawal.

Numerator: Patients whose Pain, Sedation, and Breathing (path to extubation) were managed in accordance with the ABC portions of the ICU Liberation Bundle, found here: https://www.sccm.org/iculiberation/abcdef-bundles

Numerator Exclusions: None

National Quality Forum (NQF) number, if applicable


Care setting(s)

Hospital Inpatient

Telehealth, if applicable

Number of performance rates required for measures

Traditional vs. inverse measure

Proportional, continuous variable, and/or ratio measure indicator

Risk adjustment, if applicable

Submission pathway
Traditional MIPS
