2025 THEPQR6 Timely and Effective Management of Pediatric Asthma Exacerbations in the Emergency Department 

Measure Title: Avoidance of Head CT Scans in Recurrent Seizure Episodes Without New Head Injury.

Measure description:This quality measure aims to minimize the use of head computed tomography (CT) scans in both the Emergency Department (ED) and Hospital Medicine (HM) settings for patients presenting with seizures when they have a known history of seizure disorder and there is no new clinical evidence of head injury.

Denominator: Adult patients aged between 18 – 65 presenting with recurrent seizure and without head injury.

Denominator Exceptions:

  • Documented medical reason for ordering Head CT

Denominator Exclusions: 

  • Patients with any of the following conditions:

  • New neurological deficit

Denominator Criteria (Eligible Cases):

  • None

Numerator: Performance Met: Patients who did not receive a head CT scan during their ED visit or hospitalization.

Performance Not Met: Patients who received a head CT scan during their ED visit or hospitalization.

Numerator Exclusion: None

National Quality Forum (NQF) number, if applicable


Care setting(s) 

Hospital; Emergency Department and Services; Hospital Inpatient

Telehealth, if applicable

Number of performance rates required for measures

Traditional vs. inverse measure

Proportional, continuous variable, and/or ratio measure indicator

Risk adjustment, if applicable

Submission pathway 
Traditional MIPS
