2023 MIPS Improvement Activity IA_PSPA_17: Implementation of analytic capabilities to manage total cost of care for practice population 

<h1>Activity Description</h1>
In order to receive credit for this activity, a MIPS eligible clinician must conduct or build the capacity to conduct analytic activities to manage total cost of care for the practice population. Examples of these activities could include:
1.) Train appropriate staff on interpretation of cost and utilization information;
2.) Use available data regularly to analyze opportunities to reduce cost through improved care. An example of a platform with the necessary analytic capability to do this is the American Society for Gastrointestinal (GI) Endoscopy’s GI Operations Benchmarking Platform.
<th>Activity ID</th>
<th>Activity Weighting</th>
<th>Sub-Category Name</th>
<td>Patient Safety & Practice Assessment</td>
<h1>Objective & Validation Documentation</h1>
Objective: Create opportunities to assess total cost of care and identify ways to reduce unnecessary costs.

Validation Documentation: Evidence of use or building of analytic capabilities to manage the total cost of care for the practice population. Include at least one of the following elements:
1) Staff training – Documentation of staff training on interpretation of cost and utilization information (e.g., training documentation); OR
2) Cost/resource use data – Availability of cost/resource use data for the practice population that the practice uses regularly to analyze opportunities to reduce cost; OR
3) Participation in regional Total Cost of Care efforts – Engage with local Regional Health Improvement Collaborative (RHIC) to measure and utilize Total Cost of Care (TCoC) to identify opportunities for practice improvement, create a practice improvement plan(s), and execute on the plan(s). Documentation may include communication with RHIC (e.g., email) or a copy of TCoC report(s).

• The American Society for Gastrointestinal (GI) Endoscopy’s GI Operations Benchmarking Platform is an example of a tool used for identifying opportunities to reduce cost: https://www.asge.org/home/practice-support/gi-operations-benchmarking
• The Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement representing regional healthcare collaboratives has information about TCoC: https://www.nrhi.org/

