Measure Title:Avoidance of Advanced Imaging for Patients with Unprovoked, Generalized Seizure
Description: : Percentage of patients aged younger than 18 years with diagnosis of seizure that did not have a CT or MRI of the head ordered.
- Any patient age 18 years or less evaluated by the Eligible Professional in the Emergency
Department, Urgent Care Clinic, or Observation Status settings (CPTs: 99202-99205, 99212-
99215, 99221-99223, 99231-99233, 99234-992399236, 99281-99285 & 99291-99292 AND Place
of Service Indicator: 02, 19, 20, 22, 23 OR equivalent in standardized code sets) PLUS
• Diagnosis of Seizure (See Appendix E)
• Transferred, eloped, AMA patients are excluded (V0700)
Numerator: Patients Who Did Not Have Order for CT or MRI of head.
- Performance Met (VE291): CT or MRI of head not ordered
- Medical Performance Exclusion (Denominator Exception) (VE292): CT or MRI of head ordered
and acceptable rationale documented (e.g. new focal seizure, new focal neurologic finding,
existing diagnosis of neoplasm/malignancy, coagulopathy, sickle cell disease, trauma) - Performance Not Met (VE239): CT or MRI of head ordered
Denominator Exclusions: None
National Quality Forum (NQF) number, if applicable
Care setting(s) : Emergency Department and Services; Ambulatory Care: Hospital; Ambulatory Care: Urgent Care;
Hospital; Hospital Outpatient
Telehealth, if applicable
Number of performance rates required for measures
Traditional vs. inverse measure
Proportional, continuous variable, and/or ratio measure indicator
Risk adjustment, if applicable
Submission pathway
Traditional MIPS