Measure Title: Avoidance of Echocardiogram and Carotid Ultrasound for Syncope
Measure Description: Percentage of Patients Presenting with Syncope Who Did Not Have an Echocardiogram or Carotid Ultrasound Ordered
- Any patient ≥ 18 years of age evaluated by the Eligible Professional Admitted in the inpatient acute
care setting (E/M Codes 99221- 99223, 99231-99233, 99234-99236 & 99291-99292 AND Place of
Service Indicator: 02 or 21 OR equivalent in standardized code sets) PLUS - Admitted or Placed in Observation Status (V0717) PLUS
- Diagnosis of Syncope
- ICD-10: R55
- Transferred, eloped, AMA or expired patients are excluded (V0704)
Numerator: Patients That Did NOT Have an Echocardiogram or Carotid Ultrasound Ordered
- Performance Met (VH268): Echocardiogram AND Carotid Ultrasound NOT ordered.
- Medical Performance Exclusion (Denominator Exception) (VH269): Echocardiogram or Carotid
Ultrasound ordered with documentation of 1) cardiac etiology of syncope suspected or determined
(i.e., abnormal cardiac exam (new murmur, bruit), abnormal EKG, cardiac dysrhythmia, abnormal
cardiac biomarkers, chest pain, shortness of breath, known heart disease, known or suspected
structural heart disease) OR 2) neurologic etiology of syncope suspected or determined (i.e., abnormalneurologic exam, focal neurologic deficit) - Performance Not Met (VH270): Echocardiogram and/or Carotid Ultrasound ordered
Denominator Exclusions: None
NQF ID Number: N/A
NQS Domain: Effective Clinical Care
High Priority Measure: Yes
Measure Type: Process
Includes Teleheatlh: Yes
Inverse Measure: No
Proportional Measure: Yes
Continuous Variable Measure: No
Ratio Measure: No
Number of performance rates to be calculated and submitted: 1
Risk-Adjusted Status: No
Care Setting: Hospital; Hospital Inpatient
Submission Pathway: Traditional MIPS