2023 # HCPR17 Pressure Ulcers -Risk Assessment and Plan of Care 

Measure Title: Pressure Ulcers – Risk Assessment and Plan of Care

Measure Description: Percentage of Adult Post-acute Facility Patients That Had a Risk Assessment for Pressure Ulcers and a Plan of Care for Pressure Ulcer Prevention/Treatment Completed

Denominator: Adult patients greater than or equal to 18 years of age evaluated by the Eligible Professional in the Post-acute Facility

Numerator: Adult Post-acute Facility Patients that Had a Risk Assessment for Pressure Ulcers and a Plan of Care for Pressure Ulcer Prevention OR Treatment Documented

Denominator Exclusions: None

Denominator Exceptions: None

NQF ID Number: N/A

NQS Domain: Effective Clinical Care

High Priority Measure: Yes

Measure Type: Process

Includes Teleheatlh: Yes

Inverse Measure: No

Proportional Measure: Yes

Continuous Variable Measure: No

Ratio Measure: No

Number of performance rates to be calculated and submitted: 1

Risk-Adjusted Status: No

Care Setting: Post-Acute Care

Submission Pathway: Traditional MIPS
